Serialization of glass containers based on the NAGINELS technology

Serialization of glass containers based on the NAGINELS technology

Traceability and Safety

Serialization of pharmaceutical products, such as syringes and vials, is essential for ensuring the traceability, safety, and integrity of medications. This process assigns a unique identifier to each product, enabling it to be tracked from manufacturing to final use.

Anti-Counterfeiting Measures

Serialization is crucial in combating counterfeiting, a major challenge in the pharmaceutical industry. It ensures that each product is authentic and traceable, thereby enhancing patient safety. Additionally, in the event of a recall, serialization allows for the quick identification of affected batches, reducing risks and associated costs.


For manufacturers, implementing serialization requires advanced systems for automation, marking, and verification, as well as robust software solutions for data management. These tools must be capable of handling high production volumes while maintaining optimal accuracy, ensuring compliance with international regulations.


Serialization is not just a regulatory requirement; it is a guarantee of quality and safety for all stakeholders in the pharmaceutical sector.


  • Combating Counterfeiting: Serialization makes each product unique and traceable, complicating the production and distribution of counterfeit products, thereby protecting both patients and pharmaceutical brands.
  • Improved Traceability: Every step of a product’s journey can be tracked in real-time, from production to administration, which simplifies supply chain management.
  • Effective Recall Management: In the event of defects or non-conformities, serialization allows for precise targeting of affected batches, reducing costs and minimizing risks to patient health.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Serialization helps companies comply with strict international regulations, thereby avoiding penalties and financial losses associated with non-compliance.
  • Enhanced Patient Trust: By ensuring the authenticity and safety of medications, serialization improves transparency and strengthens patient confidence in the products they use.

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