

Production line buffering systems play a crucial role in ensuring smooth operations, particularly in the handling of syringes or vials. These devices allow for the temporary accumulation of products when two successive machines are not perfectly synchronized or when one of them experiences a temporary stoppage. They also enable the production line to be stopped in a sequential and controlled manner, preventing abrupt halts that could damage products or disrupt the process. These systems are essential in demanding industries like pharmaceuticals, where precision and reliability are paramount.

CILYX offers several types of buffering systems for pre-filled syringes and vials:

  • Inline conveyors for pre-filled syringes and vials
  • Accumulation tables for vials
  • Rotary tables for vials


  • Maintaining production continuity: Reduces interruptions by accumulating products when desynchronizations or temporary stoppages occur.
  • Protection of sensitive products: Minimizes the risk of deterioration of syringes or vials by ensuring a steady flow.
  • Operational flexibility: Allows for the sequential and controlled stoppage of the line, preventing abrupt halts that could cause damage.
  • Efficiency optimization: Reduces productivity losses by buffering differences in machine speeds.
  • Cost reduction: Limits the need for manual labor to manage malfunctions or adjustments.

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